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Session 2012-01-15 — the Veche
Kingmaker »

Session 2012-01-15


           DM:  Hmm

<<< Aleksei has joined >>> <<< 02:04:38 PM >>>

         Ilya:  I wouldn't expect mr. granger
           DM:  ack? 
         Ilya:  i doubt he received either of your emails
           DM:  ...
           DM:  Is there a reason I bother sending them out? 
         Ilya:  well he was away all this weekend
         Ilya:  is what I mean by that
           DM:  Ah.
           DM:  Is there an erin? 

<<< Trip has joined >>> <<< 02:08:31 PM >>>

      Taranis:  she's launching
      Aleksei:  There's two of me and that makes up for any absences
      Aleksei:  amirite
      Aleksei:  urrite
           DM:  umm...
         Ilya:  no
      Aleksei:  what, shut up
         Ilya:  no u
         Trip:  no you shut up
      Aleksei:  u.
      Taranis:  No your face.
           DM:  Alright, well, someone start up a lolmonk. 
      Aleksei:  not it.
      Aleksei:  Although
      Aleksei:  Is his char sheet available
           DM:  A GOOD QUESTION!

<<< Elias has joined >>> <<< 02:10:03 PM >>>

      Aleksei:  I'll totally do it, if so
      Aleksei:  I have tons of experience running multiple dudes!
 *** Aleksei puts that shit on his resume
         Trip:  Your greatness knows no bounds
      Aleksei:  It's true, it's true
           DM:  Excellent.  Alright.  So, to recap: The party tracked down a bunch of bandits to their source, a small fort on the Northern edge of Tuskwater Lake. 
         Trip:  [ greatness ]
         Ilya:  "greatness"
      Aleksei:  // I'll fix the map with your latest corrections later, btw
      Aleksei:  // for now, observe, ladies and gentlemen:
           DM:  Therein, they defeated a man calling himself the stag lord and the vast majority of his cronies.
      Aleksei:  // http://obormot.ath.cx/~obormot/kingmaker/kingmaker_map.pdf
           DM:  A single man… a fellow by the name of Dovan was able to get away. 
           DM:  You also captured a number of the bandits, most of whom were quickly interrogated, and with any luck scared off of their life of banditry before they were released.
           DM:  Two remain, a large man by the name of Akiros who aided you in the Stag Lord's defeat. 
           DM:  and a substantially larger (and quite a bit less intelligent) man named Auchs.
           DM:  the latter was defeated, but refuses to leave you, as he is "scared of the big world" 
         Ilya:  :|
           DM:  A caged owlbear remains to be dealt with, as well as a plethora of zombies living in the hill on which the fort was built.
      Aleksei:  We kill the owlbear imo
      Taranis:  Since we never got to use the owlbear against the bandits
      Taranis:  We just shoot it with arrows
      Aleksei:  Oooor
      Aleksei:  No hang on
      Aleksei:  I got an idea
           DM:  If you're willing to spend several hours on it, you can probably take it down without much trouble. 
      Taranis:  Unless there si something we can do with it.
      Aleksei:  We tell Auchs to stay here and take care of the owlbear
      Aleksei:  They can be friends
      Aleksei:  Keep each other company

<<< Akiros has joined >>> <<< 02:15:54 PM >>>

         Ilya:  Like, care for it and feed it?
      Aleksei:  Yes
      Aleksei:  Those things.
         Ilya:  This seems mildly ridiculous.
       Akiros:  I… don't think he's smart enough for that.
      Taranis:  That seems like a poor idea.
         Ilya:  Exactly
      Aleksei:  :|
       Akiros:  He'd probably try to punch it in the face the first time he got bored. 
      Taranis:  It sounds like it would get him killed and leave the owlbear loose.
         Ilya:  Maybe we can set Auchs up as a guard for Oleg
         Ilya:  Oleg might not appreciate having to feed him though
      Taranis:  We could just, you know, kill them both
         Ilya:  We could!
      Aleksei:  No Taranis that's mean
         Ilya:  This is true
      Taranis:  Sounds practical to me
         Ilya:  I would feel bad though.
      Aleksei:  Yes you would.
         Ilya:  It's clear this man was not able to make practical decisions about the life he was forced to live
      Taranis:  Well then
      Taranis:  I say we kill the owlbear
      Taranis:  and bring him back
         Ilya:  The owlbear... is a ferocious creature and should probably be put down.
      Aleksei:  Yeah I guess.
      Taranis:  during which time we figure out if Auchs can survive in civilization
        Elias:  but its so cuuuuute
      Taranis:  If he cannot, he gets put down
 *** Ilya nods
         Ilya:  All right, settled
      Taranis:  If he can, he gets a guard job (and his toys)
       Akiros:  Ok.
       Akiros:  I… don't see good things for him, but who knows. 
         Ilya:  What about you Akiros?
           DM:  Two more items of note...
           DM:  Just to recap, everyone got to L2.  Anyone who hasn't already rolled for HP should do so now. 
      Taranis:  Do owlbear corpses contain any alchemically useful components?
           DM:  And there are a bunch of loots that you found here, and eventually when you make it back up to the river crossing, as discussed on the forum, the zombie demanding the Stag Lord's corpse gives you a ranseur +1.  (someone post a link to the loot forum post please)
         Trip:  roll a try then?
           DM:  Re: components... 
         Trip:  /try 20
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 20 = 27
         Trip:  sorry
      Taranis:  http://kingmaker.xthemage.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7
      Taranis:  Complete with allocation by fiat.
         Trip:  /roll 1d8
 *** DM rolls dice for Trip: 1d8 < 1 = 1 > = 1 
         Trip:  nooooooooooooooooooooo
         Ilya:  ok updating my sheet with the natural armor
           DM:  As per policy, 1 reroll of a 1 per level is allowed.
           DM:  That is, a 1 for hp 
         Trip:  Really? You're not just patronizing me?
           DM:  Standard practice in Sandy's game, I adopted it.
           DM:  As for owlbear components… none that you can think of. 
         Trip:  /roll 1d8;cruelfate
 *** DM rolls dice for Trip: (cruelfate)  1d8 < 6 = 6 > = 6
         Trip:  yaaaaaaayyyyyyy
           DM:  So… if you're willing to spend a bunch of time, you can take it down without much risk to yourselves. 
         Trip:  Poking it through the cage bars?
           DM:  Alternatively, you can just let it loose and kill it that way >.>
      Aleksei:  Yes
         Trip:  how sporting
      Aleksei:  Heh no
         Trip:  We're not that desparate for xp
      Taranis:  we have an archer and a guy who can shoot rays of frost nonstop
           DM:  Poking, shooting arrows, etc... 
         Ilya:  lol
           DM:  So, the owlbear is dealt with.
           DM:  You also wanted to deal with the zombies on the South slope. 
      Aleksei:  It is an ex-owlbear.
      Aleksei:  Yes we did
      Aleksei:  BUT
      Aleksei:  Maybe we should track down the guy first
         Ilya:  sadly the 1 hp policy got me a 2
      Aleksei:  Before his trail goes cold
         Ilya:  eh
         Ilya:  From what I understand
           DM:  Ah, indeed.
      Aleksei:  Davon or Dovan or what have you
         Ilya:  his trail is already cold
           DM:  Dovan. 
         Ilya:  and I'm not particular concerned about him
      Aleksei:  Minivan.
         Ilya:  Akiros do you think we should be worried?
           DM:  And yes, you weren't able to find his tracks last time.
      Aleksei:  Bah
      Aleksei:  Clearly our rangers fail
      Aleksei:  But yeah what does Akiros think
       Akiros:  Probably, but he's a sniveling weasel.  I doubt he'd be nearly as effective a leader as the Stag lord. 
      Aleksei:  Well I guess we can deal with that later
 *** Akiros he looks at Auchs.
       Akiros:  (-he) 
       Akiros:  And there are other problems to deal with.
       Akiros:  That one will be at least as much trouble. 
      Taranis:  Well, you know him better than anyone else here.
       Akiros:  And yet I probably won't bring myself to put him out of his misery.
 *** Akiros sighs. 
         Ilya:  So we'll take him with us for now.
         Ilya:  However those undead need to be dealt with immediately before they can harm anyone else.
 *** Akiros nods.
       Akiros:  They don't seem leave the hillside… but they'll swarm anything that shows up there. 
      Taranis:  // I suggest we throw monks at them
      Aleksei:  Well they are unnatural
         Ilya:  They are an abomination and we must take action.
      Aleksei:  And we should kill them.
         Ilya:  Akiros I do not expect you to follow us necessarily, but if you wish to aid us it would be most appreciated.
       Akiros:  I'll assist as I can.
 *** Ilya nods
         Ilya:  Ok let's go scout that area then
           DM:  For simplicity, let's say that Akiros and Bolgan handle a bunch of the zombies offscreen 
           DM:  The area is a rocky slope.  It's reasonably gradual, and there are some larger boulders here and there.
         Ilya:  sounds good
      Taranis:  And the rest of us are free to return the Stag Lord's corpse to that river undead guy, and what, head back to Oleg's with a few sledges of stuff?
         Ilya:  I think he meant
         Ilya:  while we're all fighting
         Ilya:  we don't include them in combat
           DM:  Right. 
      Taranis:  ah
         Ilya:  let's kill the undead
           DM:  ok
         Ilya:  then go back
         Ilya:  with all the stuff.
      Aleksei:  Do we know where the entrance is
           DM:  http://hugin.xthemage.net/hugin/?instance=kingmaker 
      Aleksei:  To the cave or whatever
           DM:  Cave?
      Aleksei:  Ah
           DM:  Oh, the tunnel? 
      Aleksei:  Well wherever the zombies live.
       Akiros:  They live in the ground.
      Aleksei:  So then that's what I meant.
       Akiros:  Just seem to spring out wherever someone or something steps. 
      Aleksei:  Oh.
      Aleksei:  Um what are we looking at here
      Aleksei:  On this map
           DM:  A small area of field about 200 ft from the southern wall of the fort.
           DM:  Akiros informs you that stepping into the area around where row 10 is will cause the area to be swarmed by zombies. 
         Ilya:  thinks Aleksei should go for it
      Taranis:  We're coming from the top?
 *** Ilya thinks Aleksei should go for it
      Aleksei:  One sec
           DM:  You can climb over the fort walls to get out if you want.
           DM:  Alternatively you can circle around and come in from the south. 
           DM:  or… if you want, you can come in from any direction that isn't north.
      Aleksei:  We didn't have a night's rest after the battle did we?
           DM:  You did. 
      Aleksei:  Oh well
      Aleksei:  In that case
           DM:  It was nighttime when that happened.
      Aleksei:  Check it out
 *** Aleksei prepares Detect Undead
 *** Aleksei now casts Detect Undead
 *** Aleksei looks at the place where Akiros says
           DM:  The second anyone steps onto the ground starting at about 250 ft from the keep walls, zombies start popping up. 
           DM:  (is what he tells you)
         Ilya:  We rest like all the time
      Aleksei:  Which on this map is row 10?
      Aleksei:  Well regardless
      Aleksei:  I look there.
           DM:  ok 
           DM:  You're still outside of the area?
      Aleksei:  Oh quite
           DM:  You detect no undead. 
      Aleksei:  60 ft cone-shaped emanation
           DM:  Yup
      Aleksei:  I advance slowly until I'm like 10 ft away
      Aleksei:  Still nothing eh
           DM:  Still no undead. 
      Aleksei:  Very well
 *** Aleksei Shield of Faith
 *** Aleksei total defense
 *** Aleksei walks in
 *** Taranis hangs back watching Aleksei
           DM:  Everyone place minis please.
      Taranis:  where are they going?
      Aleksei:  who
      Aleksei:  Oh
      Aleksei:  Row 10
      Aleksei:  Of the map
      Aleksei:  Is where the Zombie Zone begins
           DM:  Assuming you're approaching from the South, then row 10 on the map, or below. 
         Ilya:  so the area with the rocks
           DM:  Yes
         Ilya:  is where the zombies come from
      Aleksei:  So I guess you guys want to be south of that
         Ilya:  so place yourselves below that
      Aleksei:  While I go in and play bait
         Ilya:  we are approaching from the south
         Ilya:  this is a hill
         Ilya:  tha goes north
           DM:  Yep. 
           DM:  North is up.
           DM:  And the gate is down. 
           DM:  Ok.
           DM:  As Aleksei moves up into the area of undead... 
      Aleksei:  Zombie zoooooooone
           DM:  Detect undead starts to ping.
           DM:  Auras begin to emerge from the ground. 
      Aleksei:  Hey guys there are zombies here
           DM:  Lots of them.
           DM:  Four zombies spring out, and you can see more enroute. 
      Aleksei:  Come on over here and hit them
         Ilya:  ... duh.
      Aleksei:  Just saying.
         Ilya:  :|
      Taranis:  My kingdom for 3rd level spells.
 *** Ilya hits zombies
      Aleksei:  // do we roll init yet or what
           DM:  Yep, init.

<<< Zombies has joined >>> <<< 02:51:28 PM >>>

         Ilya:  /try 1
 *** DM rolls attempts for Ilya :
 *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 1 = 5 
      Aleksei:  /try 0
 *** DM rolls attempts for Aleksei :
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 0 = 12
      Zombies:  /try 0 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 0 = 18
      Taranis:  /try 0
 *** DM rolls attempts for Taranis :
 *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 0 = 20 
      Aleksei:  Taranis do you have AoE
        Elias:  /try 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 4 = 21
         Trip:  /try 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 4 = 19 
      Taranis:  No, I'm a 2nd level wizard.
      Taranis:  Who doesn't choose spells that require him to be right next to the enemy.
      Aleksei:  Ok well then maybe you might want to delay until I blast them with holy power and such
      Zombies:  Ok
      Zombies:  Grr 
      Zombies:  Arg
           DM:  Elias is up first. 
      Aleksei:  // -Mutant Enemy Productions™
        Elias:  shoot that zombie in front of me
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 6 = 17
           DM:  A hit! 
        Elias:  /roll 1d8
 *** DM rolls dice for Elias: 1d8 < 5 = 5 > = 5
           DM:  That's #2? 
        Elias:  yes
      Aleksei:  Hey do I know if these are common zombies or like, special/variant zombies
           DM:  Roll some religion.
      Aleksei:  /try 5;religion
 *** DM rolls attempts for Aleksei :
 *** DM (religion)  1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 5 = 19 
           DM:  Nothing stands out about them.  You also know that they're resistant to slashing damage.
      Aleksei:  I inform the party of this!
         Ilya:  :(
           DM:  Taranis is up. 
      Aleksei:  These dudes are less swordable than other things
         Ilya:  but all i have is a sword
      Aleksei:  When all you have is a sword, everything looks like a
 *** Ilya needs more weapons
      Aleksei:  ... not zombie?
      Taranis:  I will delay
           DM:  Trip!
      Aleksei:  You should get like a mace
      Aleksei:  Oooor a Lucerne hammer
         Trip:  That's the bummer thing about undead. I symapathize.
           DM:  Lucern hammers are awesome.   
           DM:  When you swing them, they go 'swisssssss'
      Aleksei:  >:|
           DM:  Trip is up. 
      Aleksei:  Trip is AWOL!
         Trip:  thpt
         Ilya:  trip is down
         Ilya:  left
         Ilya:  right
         Trip:  I am strategically moving there.
           DM:  Ok.  Anything else?
         Trip:  Pull out ze axes.
         Trip:  ...cause when all you have is an axe...
           DM:  With a BAB of +1 or higher, you can do that during the move, so you've still got a standard action. 
         Trip:  Yeah, but I moved more than five squares.
         Trip:  So methinks I'm done.
           DM:  kk
         Trip:  Just tryint to position myself to assist other meleers.
      Aleksei:  oooh this is like a game of Daleks
           DM:  Well, two of them are close enough to charge you. 
           DM:  they do so.
      Zombies:  Raaaar! 
      Zombies:  /try 4+2 4+2
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 4 + 2 = 23
 *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 4 + 2 = 16 
         Ilya:  zombies can charge?
         Ilya:  wow
           DM:  Partial charge
      Aleksei:  Fast Zombies can.
         Ilya:  gg PF, gg
      Aleksei:  Or that
      Aleksei:  // But remember how I told you about all those variant zombies
           DM:  The other two just move. 
      Aleksei:  // we better hope these aren't like
      Aleksei:  // exploding zombies or plague zombies or whatnot
         Ilya:  //uh-huh
           DM:  Is the 16 a hit?
      Zombies:  /roll 1d6+4;The 23 
 *** DM rolls dice for Zombies: (The 23)  1d6 < 5 = 5 > + 4 = 9
      Zombies:  /roll 1d6+4;The 16 
 *** DM rolls dice for Zombies: (The 16)  1d6 < 6 = 6 > + 4 = 10
           DM:  And Aleksei is up 
      Aleksei:  So wait
      Aleksei:  Is Trip even still alive/up
      Aleksei:  With that damage
           DM:  Oh, yes, that reminds me...
 *** Zombies burst up from the ground. 
         Trip:  um. at 0
      Aleksei:  Oh good
      Aleksei:  I'm going to heal you but only a little
      Aleksei:  You should maybe withdraw next round
      Aleksei:  Lest you get eaten.
         Trip:  yessir
      Aleksei:  So, here's my action
 *** Aleksei channels energy!
      Aleksei:  /roll 1d6
 *** DM rolls dice for Aleksei: 1d6 < 1 = 1 > = 1
      Aleksei:  Trip gets healed for that much
      Aleksei:  Zombies uh
      Aleksei:  1, 2, 4, 3, and the one due south of 3
      Aleksei:  Need to roll DC 12 Will saves
      Aleksei:  oh and I moved first
      Aleksei:  Like so
         Ilya:  dc 12?
         Ilya:  kinda shitty
      Aleksei:  Yes well it scales with level
      Aleksei:  And Cha.
         Ilya:  cha, that's the problem
           DM:  righty oh. 
      Aleksei:  This is not my specialty
      Aleksei:  But it's still the best option
      Zombies:  /try 3;1 3;2 3;3; 3;4; 3;7
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM (1)  1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 3 = 15
 *** DM (2)  1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 3 = 16
 *** DM (3;)  1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 3 = 11
 *** DM (4;)  1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 3 = 17
 *** DM (7)  1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 3 = 10 
           DM:  Does detect require concentration?
      Aleksei:  It does
      Aleksei:  So I drop that
           DM:  Ok 
           DM:  Well, before you do so, you note more auras coming.
      Aleksei:  Zombie swaaaaarm
      Aleksei:  Guys can we handle this many
      Aleksei:  Do you think
         Ilya:  anyone got a spare blunt/piercing weapon?
      Taranis:  a flaming sphere would do a lot of good... too bad we can't cast that
         Ilya:  if so
         Ilya:  yes
           DM:  Ilya's up 
         Ilya:  chaarge
         Ilya:  /try 5+2
 *** DM rolls attempts for Ilya :
 *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 5 + 2 = 18
           DM:  A hit! 
         Ilya:  /roll 2d6+7
 *** DM rolls dice for Ilya: 2d6 < 6 4 = 10 > + 7 = 17
           DM:  Splat 
           DM:  err, slashing weapon
         Ilya:  yep
           DM:  But still a splat. 
      Taranis:  I guess I'd better take my action already
           DM:  Ok
      Taranis:  that action is Magic Missile
           DM:  Ok 
      Taranis:  on #2
      Taranis:  /roll 1d4+2
 *** DM rolls dice for Taranis: 1d4 < 3 = 3 > + 2 = 5
           DM:  indeed, it's still up. 
           DM:  Elias
         Ilya:  mmm that ranseur we don't have would be great about now
        Elias:  I guess I try and finish off two
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 6 = 26 
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 6 = 13
        Elias:  is that a crit?
           DM:  Thanks to the wonders of PF, it is. 
        Elias:  goddammit
        Elias:  why?  why on the guy with few hitpoints
        Elias:  oh well....
        Elias:  /roll 3 d8
 *** DM rolls dice for Elias: 3d8 < 2 4 6 = 12 > = 12
           DM:  splat. 
      Aleksei:  What a nice arithmetic progression of dice rolls
           DM:  Which brings us to Trip
           DM:  // Undead really got nerfed quite a bit in PF 
      Aleksei:  // they have more hp though
           DM:  // No more blanket immunity to crits, rogues, or cold
         Trip:  can I take a standard and then move?
      Aleksei:  // they never had blanket cold immunity
           DM:  Yep 
         Ilya:  wait
      Aleksei:  // that was only specific types of undead that were skeletal
         Ilya:  undead can be crit???
      Aleksei:  Don't do that Trip
      Aleksei:  You'll take AoOs from the zombies
         Trip:  Just move then?
         Ilya:  :O
      Aleksei:  Yeah just move
           DM:  However note that you can take a double-move and avoid attacks of opportunity.
      Aleksei:  ^
      Aleksei:  Yes undead can be crit
         Trip:  Do I get to use a reflex save to avoid an AoO?
           DM:  No, but you can use acrobatics. 
      Aleksei:  If you just move and do nothing else
      Aleksei:  Then you automatically avoid AoOs
         Trip:  Fine. I won't risk it. 
      Aleksei:  But yeah if you want to move and standard you can roll Acrobatics to avoid AoOs
         Trip:  That was what I wanted to do, but felt encouraged not to. I'm good at moving by baddies.
         Trip:  k. One axe.
         Trip:  /roll 7
 *** DM rolls dice for Trip: 7 = 7
         Trip:  /try 7
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 7 = 23 
           DM:  A hit.
         Trip:  /roll 1d6
 *** DM rolls dice for Trip: 1d6 < 6 = 6 > = 6 
           DM:  It takes a bit of damage, but a lot less damage than you'd expect.
         Trip:  /try 8;rollaway
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM (rollaway)  1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 8 = 27 
           DM:  success
         Trip:  done
           DM:  k 
           DM:  Let's see here.
      Zombies:  raaaaaaaar 
      Zombies:  brains
 *** Zombies attack Aleksei 
      Zombies:  /try 4 4 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 4 = 16
 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 4 = 5
 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 4 = 5 
           DM:  misses, I assume?
      Aleksei:  Oh yeah
      Aleksei:  AC 20 right now
 *** Zombies 9 to 11 emerge from the ground 
           DM:  Ilya!
           DM:  err, no, Aleksei! 
      Aleksei:  hi
 *** Aleksei channels energy
      Aleksei:  Affected zombies are 1, 3, 4, 7, 8
      Aleksei:  And Trip
      Aleksei:  /roll 1d6
 *** DM rolls dice for Aleksei: 1d6 < 6 = 6 > = 6
      Aleksei:  Trip heals that much
      Aleksei:  And zombies get DC 12 Will for half
      Zombies:  /try 3;1 3;3 3;4 3;7 3;8 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM (1)  1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 3 = 14
 *** DM (3)  1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 3 = 16
 *** DM (4)  1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 3 = 18
 *** DM (7)  1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 3 = 5
 *** DM (8)  1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 3 = 8
      Aleksei:  Waves of positive energy are pulsing forth from Aleksei right now
 *** Aleksei brandishes his holy symbol
         Ilya:  certainly looks like it
           DM:  Indeed 
           DM:  Ilya!
 *** Ilya steps
 *** Ilya swings
         Ilya:  /try 5
 *** DM rolls attempts for Ilya :
 *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 5 = 19 
         Ilya:  /roll 2d6+7
 *** DM rolls dice for Ilya: 2d6 < 2 3 = 5 > + 7 = 12
           DM:  It takes a bunch less damage than expected. 
         Ilya:  i know.
         Ilya:  /shrug
         Ilya:  what can I do
           DM:  And is still alive.
           DM:  Taranis! 
      Taranis:  let's go with some more magic missile
      Taranis:  I think #... 7
      Taranis:  /roll 1d4+2
 *** DM rolls dice for Taranis: 1d4 < 4 = 4 > + 2 = 6
           DM:  splat 
      Taranis:  I chose... wisely.
           DM:  Elias is up!
         Ilya:  should have killed the one next to me :|
      Taranis:  I figured you could handle it just fine
         Trip:  Hurrah for people who don't rely on the power of slicing!
         Ilya:  i can! but i could also theoretically kill something else
         Ilya:  hm
        Elias:  I'mma go for number 1
           DM:  Zombies apparently do not blend. 
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 6 = 9
        Elias:  nope
           DM:  That is a nothit 
           DM:  Trip!
         Trip:  /try 7
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 7 = 8 
      Aleksei:  oof
           DM:  That too is a nothit.
         Ilya:  so much fail
         Trip:  done
           DM:  ok 
      Zombies:  Raaaar!
         Trip:  although I guess it's a 10 with flank
      Aleksei:  Negative
 *** Aleksei doesn't threaten
 *** Aleksei doesn't wield weaponry
         Trip:  yeaaaahh
         Trip:  aw crap
         Ilya:  laaame
      Aleksei:  Whatever your face is lame
 *** Zombies attack Ilya 
         Ilya:  no
         Ilya:  it isn't
         Ilya:  you're lame
      Zombies:  /try 4 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 4 = 14
 *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 4 = 6 
         Ilya:  you can do all your touch attacks and stuff even while wielding stuff.
         Trip:  Clearly should have aided Ilya instead.
         Ilya:  neither of those are hits
      Aleksei:  I cannot do all of my etc. what you said
 *** Zombies keep attacking Aleksei
      Zombies:  /try 4 4 4 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 4 = 19
 *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 4 = 13
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 4 = 16
 *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 4 = 15
 *** Trip hides the two axes behind her and whistles
      Aleksei:  Nope
         Ilya:  yes you can
 *** Zombies #12 emerges 
      Aleksei:  No I need a free hand
           DM:  Do you have a shield?
      Aleksei:  yep
           DM:  Oh 
           DM:  Spiked shield?
      Aleksei:  Nope
           DM:  pscht 
         Ilya:  so get it spiked and then you threaten!
           DM:  At any rate, you and your non-spiked shield are up.
      Aleksei:  mmk
         Ilya:  or get a buckler
 *** Aleksei moves, provoking AoOs
      Zombies:  /try 4 4 4 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 4 = 5
 *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 4 = 7
 *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 4 = 11
 *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 4 = 12
      Aleksei:  gtfo
 *** Aleksei channels energy
         Trip:  wow
      Aleksei:  Who's hurt except Trip? Anyone/
      Taranis:  Nope
      Aleksei:  Alrighty
      Aleksei:  Every zombie except #9 is affected
      Aleksei:  Plus trip
      Aleksei:  /roll 1d6
 *** DM rolls dice for Aleksei: 1d6 < 2 = 2 > = 2 
      Aleksei:  Will DC 12 half
           DM:  Except #9?  How's that work?
      Aleksei:  That's what the area measuring thingy tells me.
           DM:  Is it # targets? 
           DM:  Oh, right, it's centered on a point in space.
      Aleksei:  yes.
 *** Aleksei <-
           DM:  err, an intersection, not a square 
         Ilya:  seems to me 10 and 9 are in the same radius
      Aleksei:  Well if that's so
         Ilya:  so if you're hitting 10
         Ilya:  you're also hitting 9
      Aleksei:  Then #9 is also affected
      Aleksei:  So
      Aleksei:  I'm just going by what Hugin said
      Aleksei:  Regardless
      Aleksei:  Guys I have one more of these
         Ilya:  30ft radius?
      Aleksei:  (yes)
         Ilya:  then yeah
      Aleksei:  After that, if we haven't won
         Ilya:  frm your upper right corner
         Ilya:  you hit everything
      Aleksei:  Then we should consider changing tactics
         Ilya:  meh?
           DM:  /try 3;1 3;3 3;4 3;5 3;8 3;9 3;10 3;11 3;12
 *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
 *** DM (1)  1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13
 *** DM (3)  1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13
 *** DM (4)  1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 3 = 12
 *** DM (5)  1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 3 = 17
 *** DM (8)  1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13
 *** DM (9)  1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 3 = 22
 *** DM (10)  1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 3 = 9
 *** DM (11)  1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 3 = 7
 *** DM (12)  1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 3 = 4 
 *** Aleksei shrugs
         Ilya:  they are not being particular effective against your AC 
      Aleksei:  I'm not worried for myself here
      Aleksei:  Right
      Aleksei:  But
           DM:  DC 12?
      Taranis:  We don't really have alternatives
      Aleksei:  yes DC 12
         Ilya:  so imo we will just whittle them down
      Aleksei:  Well ok.
 *** Aleksei keeps glowing with life energy for now
           DM:  Ok 
           DM:  Ilya
         Ilya:  nothing falling over eh
         Ilya:  not even the one i hit last time?
           DM:  from 2 damage? no 
         Ilya:  bah
      Aleksei:  imo move so that Trip can charge+flank on her turn
         Trip:  Thank you. It would be much appreciated.
         Ilya:  I don't see how that's possible.
      Aleksei:  Step 1 square northwest
           DM:  5ft, attack 9 or 10
      Aleksei:  And then that yes
         Ilya:  if she charged she'd end up in the north east corner
         Ilya:  of that zombie
         Ilya:  wouldn't she
      Aleksei:  or east
      Aleksei:  That works too
         Trip:  I can charge on slight diags.
         Ilya:  I thought you had to take the closest.
      Aleksei:  They're equidistant as far as I can tell
           DM:  Indeed equidistant 
         Ilya:  well if that's ok
         Ilya:  that's putting me into flank...
         Ilya:  not sure I like that.
      Aleksei:  That would happen anyway
           DM:  Zombies flunked flank
      Aleksei:  Zombies would move to flank you
         Ilya:  they might insterad move to flank trip!
      Aleksei:  But actually yeah they haven't been taking flanking bonuses?
      Aleksei:  So maybe they can't?
         Ilya:  which... yeah
         Ilya:  that's not as good
         Ilya:  ok
         Ilya:  i hit 9
      Aleksei:  Maybe they are too dumb.
         Ilya:  /try 5
 *** DM rolls attempts for Ilya :
 *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 5 = 15 
           DM:  hmm… you're right… some of those attacks on Aleksei should have been higher
           DM:  a hit 
         Trip:  Zombies have poor teamwork skills.
         Ilya:  /roll 2d6+7
 *** DM rolls dice for Ilya: 2d6 < 5 4 = 9 > + 7 = 16
         Ilya:  ok how about 2 damage there
         Ilya:  eh
         Ilya:  :p
         Trip:  Nice one.
           DM:  Actually yes. 
         Ilya:  yep
      Aleksei:  ?
           DM:  That's enough to splat a zombie that has taken 2 damage.
         Ilya:  that was the point I was making, yes
      Aleksei:  Hah what
         Ilya:  i one shot one for 17
         Ilya:  before
      Aleksei:  Ah
         Ilya:  so that should oneshot things post-turning
      Aleksei:  Quite
           DM:  Ok 
      Aleksei:  is helping
 *** Aleksei  
         Ilya:  yep
           DM:  That brings us to… Taranis!
      Taranis:  well
      Taranis:  let's fire off another Magic Missile
      Taranis:  at #1
      Taranis:  /roll 1d4+2
 *** DM rolls dice for Taranis: 1d4 < 4 = 4 > + 2 = 6 
           DM:  Splat
         Trip:  woot. Now I don't even need to do an acrobatic charge.
           DM:  Elias! 
           DM:  5 and 8 look the most injured
         Trip:  go for 8
         Ilya:  get 8
        Elias:  try on 8 then
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 6 = 18 
           DM:  a hit
        Elias:  /roll 1d8
 *** DM rolls dice for Elias: 1d8 < 2 = 2 > = 2 
           DM:  Not quite enough to bring it down.
           DM:  Trip! 
         Trip:  /try 10
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 10 = 14
           DM:  a hit 
           DM:  and that's with sneak.
         Trip:  /roll 2d6
 *** DM rolls dice for Trip: 2d6 < 4 2 = 6 > = 6 
         Trip:  i know
         Trip:  let me guess. Does not do as much damage as expected?
           DM:  It does a bit, but indeed… the zombie doesn't seem to be fully affected by bits of its flesh getting hacked off.
      Zombies:  Grr arg 
 *** Zombies @Ilya
      Zombies:  /try 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 4 = 7
 *** Zombies @Trip 
      Zombies:  /try 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 4 = 12 
 *** Zombies @Elias
      Zombies:  /try 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 4 = 16
 *** Zombies @Aleksei 
      Zombies:  /try 4 4 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 4 = 10
 *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 4 = 14
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 4 = 16 
      Aleksei:  failsauce
           DM:  Any hits in there?
 *** Zombies 13, 14, and 15 emerge 
         Trip:  not here
         Ilya:  hm
         Ilya:  hoping that's all?
         Ilya:  if not then... yeah
           DM:  Aleksei is up next.
      Aleksei:  Hi
 *** Aleksei channels energy
      Aleksei:  All the zombies in the immediate vicinity there are affected
      Aleksei:  Plus any wounded allies
      Aleksei:  /roll 1d6
 *** DM rolls dice for Aleksei: 1d6 < 3 = 3 > = 3 
           DM:  /try 3;4 3;5 3;8 3;10 3;11 3;12
 *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
 *** DM (4)  1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 3 = 15
 *** DM (5)  1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 3 = 14
 *** DM (8)  1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 3 = 19
 *** DM (10)  1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 3 = 4
 *** DM (11)  1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13
 *** DM (12)  1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 3 = 16 
      Taranis:  Yeah, you need some better DCs
           DM:  /try 3;3
 *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
 *** DM (3)  1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 3 = 19 
      Aleksei:  Yes well
           DM:  indeed
           DM:  well... 
           DM:  Ilya's up
      Aleksei:  Given that I'm the only person AoEing these things
 *** Ilya swings at 10
      Aleksei:  I don't want to hear any complaints :p
      Taranis:  and what AoE should I be using?  Fireball? :P
         Ilya:  /try 5
 *** DM rolls attempts for Ilya :
 *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 5 = 7 
           DM:  He's totally doing more damage than any of you.
         Ilya:  sux
      Aleksei:  That's my point!
         Ilya:  more thna me?
         Ilya:  you're sure?'
      Aleksei:  No I dunno about that
      Aleksei:  I meant my point is that no one else HAS AoE yet
           DM:  well, he is this round. 
         Ilya:  I meant total.
           DM:  Taranis!
      Taranis:  hmm
      Aleksei:  Yeah probably not more than you
           DM:  same ballpark. 
      Aleksei:  I'd say I'm in second place though
         Ilya:  yep
         Ilya:  definitely
      Taranis:  waves his staff for another Magic Missile at #8
      Taranis:  /roll 1d4+2
 *** DM rolls dice for Taranis: 1d4 < 2 = 2 > + 2 = 4
           DM:  Splat 
           DM:  Hmm
           DM:  Elias! 
        Elias:  number 1
           DM:  is dead
        Elias:  oh...kay
        Elias:  then
        Elias:  nubmer 3 I guess
           DM:  k 
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 6 = 10
           DM:  a… miss 
           DM:  Trip!
         Ilya:  stupid zombies having ac
           DM:  Yeah, really surprising. 
           DM:  DC has been shown to be superior for raising the dead[Frankenstein1823].
      Aleksei:  :|
           DM:  anyway, Trip is up! 
         Ilya:  did anyone cast Detect Magic here
           DM:  Not yet
         Ilya:  Taranis you think you could do that next round

<<< Trip has joined >>> <<< 04:09:00 PM >>>

      Taranis:  Sure I could
      Taranis:  I'm not sure what I'm doing it for, but I can totally cast it
           DM:  Aha! 
         Ilya:  humor me
           DM:  Trip is up!
         Trip:  let's try again on 5. with two weapons!
         Trip:  /try 7 7
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 7 = 8
 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 7 = 13 
           DM:  #2 hits
         Trip:  er, plus 2
           DM:  same thing. 
         Trip:  /roll 2d6
 *** DM rolls dice for Trip: 2d6 < 2 6 = 8 > = 8
           DM:  splat 
         Trip:  huzzah
         Trip:  done
      Zombies:  Brains
         Trip:  Ilya if you plan to work on 10 next, I'll come assist.
         Ilya:  mhm
         Trip:  so many zombies!
 *** Zombies @Ilya 
      Zombies:  /try 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 4 = 5 
      Zombies:  @Aleksei
      Zombies:  /try 6 6 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 6 = 15
 *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 6 = 11
 *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 4 = 7
      Zombies:  @Elias 
      Zombies:  /try 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 4 = 12 
        Elias:  miss
           DM:  No further zombies emerge this round.
           DM:  Aleksei! 

<<< Trip has left >>> <<< 04:13:11 PM >>>

         Trip:  key words: "this round"
         Ilya:  no no
         Ilya:  that's good
         Ilya:  that might disprove my thought
         Trip:  a thought of infinite zombies?
         Ilya:  yeah something like that.
      Aleksei:  Well
      Aleksei:  Of the zombies around me
      Aleksei:  Who's most hurt
           DM:  3 and 4 are the most hurt
         Trip:  how can you tell with zombies?
      Aleksei:  More flesh left = more hurt
         Trip:  a little less lively?
      Aleksei:  It's a simple matter of completeness
           DM:  Limbs. 
      Aleksei:  Now then
 *** Aleksei steps like so
 *** Aleksei spellcasts
 *** Aleksei not defensively
           DM:  /try 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
 *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 4 = 13 
      Aleksei:  Nope
 *** Aleksei Cure Light Wounds
 *** Aleksei touch attack:
      Aleksei:  /try 2
 *** DM rolls attempts for Aleksei :
 *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 2 = 11
           DM:  hit 
           DM:  /try 3;save
 *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
 *** DM (save)  1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 3 = 21 
      Aleksei:  /roll 1d8+2
 *** DM rolls dice for Aleksei: 1d8 < 4 = 4 > + 2 = 6
      Aleksei:  half.
           DM:  Not quite enough to bring it down yet. 
           DM:  Ilya!
         Ilya:  hm
 *** Ilya kills 10
         Ilya:  /try 5
 *** DM rolls attempts for Ilya :
 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 5 = 21 
         Ilya:  /roll 2d6+7
 *** DM rolls dice for Ilya: 2d6 < 1 3 = 4 > + 7 = 11
         Ilya:  not quite
           DM:  Not quite 
         Ilya:  trip can finish it maybe.
           DM:  Taranis
      Taranis:  I'll still do the Detect Magic
           DM:  Mmm… indeed 
           DM:  Well, you detect the presence of magical auras
         Ilya:  oh right takes 3 rounds to concentrate
      Taranis:  yeah it does
      Taranis:  but I don't have much useful combat functionality left here anyway
           DM:  Assuming that's all… Elias! 
      Taranis:  #1 is dead, right?
           DM:  Yep.
      Taranis:  ah that's 11 there
        Elias:  fiver fire at 11
        Elias:  /try 7
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 7 = 12 
           DM:  a hit
        Elias:  /roll 1d8+1
 *** DM rolls dice for Elias: 1d8 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 3 
           DM:  Although not enough to bring it down.
           DM:  Trip! 
         Trip:  /try 9;whackity
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM (whackity)  1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 9 = 22
           DM:  A hit 
         Trip:  /roll 2d6;thanks_Ilya
 *** DM rolls dice for Trip: (thanks_Ilya)  2d6 < 5 6 = 11 > = 11
           DM:  Kersplat 
         Trip:  Flanking for the win!
         Ilya:  o/\o
 *** Ilya hifives
         Trip:  heehee. I like that.
           DM:  ok
      Zombies:  raaaar 
         Trip:  Gets a bit old, don't it. The raaaring. Not much in the way of witty banter.
         Ilya:  Zombies don't have wits. :|
         Ilya:  they are witless.
      Zombies:  so a rabbi, a priest, and a druid walk into a bar.
         Ilya:  :|
         Ilya:  0/10
      Zombies:  @Ilya
         Ilya:  totally witless
      Zombies:  /try 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 4 = 20
         Ilya:  oh shit a hit.
      Zombies:  @Aleksei 
      Zombies:  /try 4 4 4 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 4 = 21
 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 4 = 20
 *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 4 = 21
 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 4 = 10 
      Aleksei:  Hah wow
         Ilya:  oliver learned how to roll
      Aleksei:  3 hits
         Ilya:  we're fucked
      Zombies:  @Elias
      Zombies:  /try 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 4 = 12
         Trip:  oooh, the zombies took serious offense.
        Elias:  miss
      Aleksei:  Let's see if they can do any damage
         Ilya:  I should have laughed at their joke :|
      Aleksei:  I thought it was funny
      Zombies:  /roll 1d6+4 Ilya 
 *** DM rolls dice for Zombies: 1d6 < 4 = 4 > + 4 = 8
         Ilya:  ow!
      Zombies:  /roll 3d6+12;Aleksei 
 *** DM rolls dice for Zombies: (Aleksei)  3d6 < 5 4 6 = 15 > + 12 = 27
         Trip:  ohhhh crap
      Taranis:  How bad is it?
 *** Aleksei falls down
 *** Aleksei -9
         Ilya:  pretty bad.
      Taranis:  hmm
         Trip:  Do we have healing potions in stock?
      Taranis:  hate to say it... you may need to lay on hands
      Taranis:  4 Cure Moderates in party pot
           DM:  on the bright side, no more zombies emerge 
         Ilya:  imo taranis should feed one of his potions to Aleksei
           DM:  Aleksei!
      Aleksei:  // The favor of Desna has forsaken me!
      Aleksei:  // WOE IS ME
      Taranis:  the problem is that they're in the party loot, not my loot
         Ilya:  ok well that's stupid
         Ilya:  theyre in your bag now
         Ilya:  done
         Ilya:  problem solved.
         Trip:  poof
        Elias:  amen to that
         Trip:  good to have magic folk
      Aleksei:  The magic of rewriting plot in one's favor
         Ilya:  we got like 4 potions of CMW
      Aleksei:  One might even call it
      Aleksei:  META-MAGIC
      Taranis:  exactly 4
         Ilya:  let's say we dished them out like so:
         Ilya:  1 to me, 1 to trip 1 to taranis and 1 to elias
         Ilya:  done
      Taranis:  Sure
      Aleksei:  btw
      Taranis:  Record them, I'll remove from the party list
         Ilya:  recorded
      Aleksei:  The zombies moved, I assume?
      Aleksei:  To hit me?
           DM:  refresh 
      Aleksei:  I see
           DM:  And in the meantime, roll a stabilization check
         Trip:  got it
           DM:  And then Ilya's up! 
      Aleksei:  /try 1;Con
 *** DM rolls attempts for Aleksei :
 *** DM (Con)  1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 1 = 20
 *** Aleksei stops bleeding
 *** Ilya puts a hand to the wound he just got
         Ilya:  /roll 1d6
 *** DM rolls dice for Ilya: 1d6 < 5 = 5 > = 5 
 *** Ilya then swings at zombie13
         Ilya:  /try 5
 *** DM rolls attempts for Ilya :
 *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 5 = 12
           DM:  a hit. 
         Ilya:  /roll 2d6+7
 *** DM rolls dice for Ilya: 2d6 < 1 3 = 4 > + 7 = 11
         Trip:  Wait who is that hitting?
         Ilya:  zombie 13
         Ilya:  who charged me 
           DM:  f'ref, 3 is nearly dead, 4 and 10 are moderately injured, and 12 is a bit hurt. 
         Trip:  ah. k. I might need to refresh my hugin
         Ilya:  ys
           DM:  13 is now moderately injured.
         Ilya:  yes you do
         Trip:  10 is kersplated
           DM:  Which brings us to… Taranis! 
         Ilya:  might want to wait for the zombies to come after me
         Ilya:  well
      Aleksei:  om nom nom
         Ilya:  you're nto dying
         Ilya:  unless the zombies eat you
      Aleksei:  Well that's true
         Ilya:  so
      Taranis:  hmm
         Ilya:  better for Taranis to hold off
         Ilya:  imo
      Taranis:  I'll delay for the zombie action, yes
           DM:  k
           DM:  Elias! 
        Elias:  try at 11 since 3 is through several people
        Elias:  /try 7
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 7 = 14
           DM:  a hit 
        Elias:  /roll 1d8+1
 *** DM rolls dice for Elias: 1d8 < 5 = 5 > + 1 = 6
           DM:  Splat 
           DM:  @Ilya
         Trip:  How come they all got to move around before my action?
           DM:  /try 4 4 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 4 = 10
 *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 4 = 18
 *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 4 = 9
           DM:  err, my bad.   
           DM:  you go first
         Trip:  That's right, zombie hoarde.
      Zombies:  note, no flanking from Aleksei 
         Trip:  Aw. Sorry Aleksei, gotta go where I can do good.
         Trip:  /try 9
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 9 = 15
           DM:  hit 
         Trip:  /roll 2d6
 *** DM rolls dice for Trip: 2d6 < 5 4 = 9 > = 9
           DM:  it takes a bunch.  Not quite enough to splat it though. 
         Ilya:  really?
         Trip:  bummer
         Ilya:  yeah ok
         Ilya:  it didn't get turned
         Trip:  uh oh
           DM:  @Ilya
      Zombies:  /try 4 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 4 = 5
 *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 4 = 19
      Zombies:  @Trip 
      Zombies:  /try 4 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 4 = 22
 *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 4 = 21 
         Trip:  two hits
         Ilya:  i got hit there once
      Zombies:  /roll 2d6+8
 *** DM rolls dice for Zombies: 2d6 < 2 6 = 8 > + 8 = 16 
      Zombies:  /roll 1d6+4
 *** DM rolls dice for Zombies: 1d6 < 5 = 5 > + 4 = 9 
         Trip:  gods dang it
      Taranis:  down? :(
         Ilya:  that;s a lot of damage
         Ilya:  for 2 hits
         Ilya:  oh is ee.
 *** Zombies don't hit, but do hella damage when they do.
         Ilya:  the 16 is trip's the 9 is mine
           DM:  Yep, 16@Trip, 9@Ilya 
           DM:  Taranis undelays, I assume?
           DM:  (no more zombies emerge) 
      Taranis:  Yeah, though who gets the potion may change
      Taranis:  how is trip doing?
         Trip:  x_x currently -7
      Taranis:  and bleeding
      Taranis:  while anton is stable... hmm
         Ilya:  well aleksei can heal himself and people if he manages to get up.
         Trip:  So sorry to fail you again so soon, fellows
      Taranis:  truth
      Taranis:  /roll 2d8+3
 *** DM rolls dice for Taranis: 2d8 < 8 2 = 10 > + 3 = 13
         Trip:  I mean groooaaan
      Aleksei:  So
      Taranis:  good heal on Aleksei
      Aleksei:  I guess that heals me
      Taranis:  #11 was dead, yes?
           DM:  It is. 
           DM:  Aleksei's next
      Aleksei:  hmm
 *** Aleksei gets up
 *** Aleksei casts Cure Light Wounds and holds the charge
      Aleksei:  next.
           DM:  k 
         Ilya:  not going to heal yourself?
      Aleksei:  No I'm going to see if Trip or I need it more
      Aleksei:  This is my last one anyway
      Aleksei:  So I am not missing out on throughput
         Ilya:  really?
      Aleksei:  yep.
         Ilya:  you cast...
         Ilya:  detect undead
      Aleksei:  How many L1 spells do you think I get, anyway
         Ilya:  shield of faith
         Ilya:  like 4?
           DM:  and another CLW
      Aleksei:  I am now done
         Ilya:  counting bonus?
      Aleksei:  yes
           DM:  Ok… in that case Ilya's next up 
         Ilya:  oh and one is a domain spell?
      Aleksei:  yes
         Ilya:  i will 5ft back
         Ilya:  drink this potion
         Ilya:  /roll 2d8+3
 *** DM rolls dice for Ilya: 2d8 < 7 7 = 14 > + 3 = 17
           DM:  k 
         Ilya:  wow.
         Trip:  Quite a booster.
         Ilya:  i was not expecting so much there but ok
           DM:  Which brings us to… Elias
           DM:  3's the most injured 
           DM:  3 and 13
        Elias:  3 it is
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 6 = 12 
           DM:  hit
        Elias:  /roll 1d8
 *** DM rolls dice for Elias: 1d8 < 1 = 1 > = 1 
           DM:  not quite
           DM:  Trip, roll up a con check. 
           DM:  and then...
      Zombies:  raaar 
         Trip:  /try 2
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 2 = 8
      Zombies:  @Ilya 
      Zombies:  /try 4 4 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 4 = 13
 *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 4 = 11
 *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 4 = 23 
      Zombies:  @Taranis
      Zombies:  /try 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 4 = 12
         Ilya:  the 23 hits
      Zombies:  /roll 1d6+4;Ilya 
 *** DM rolls dice for Zombies: (Ilya)  1d6 < 6 = 6 > + 4 = 10
         Ilya:  god damnit
         Ilya:  this dr is really fucking us
         Ilya:  we should have made that K:R check before we went here
      Zombies:  Taranis! 
         Ilya:  and then decided to go back to Oleg's before coming here
           DM:  err, Taranis!
      Taranis:  I see there's one right here, eh
           DM:  Well, you do recall both Bolgan and Akiros mentioning that the zombies don't follow people too far away from the hill. 
      Aleksei:  Well I told you guys
      Aleksei:  I was like, should we gtfo
      Taranis:  5-ft back and cast... Ear Piercing Scream, since that's all I've still got
      Aleksei:  And you were like "nope"
      Taranis:  now we definitely should
           DM:  What's the effect?
      Taranis:  Fort DC 16; 1d6+1 damage and daze.
      Taranis:  half damage and no daze on save
           DM:  make a religion check. 
      Taranis:  /try 7
 *** DM rolls attempts for Taranis :
 *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 7 = 16
         Ilya:  see the thing is
         Ilya:  we should have had this.
      Taranis:  Undead still immune to fort save spells that don't apply to objects?
         Ilya:  this shouldn't be killing us
           DM:  Undead have: 
           DM:  Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
         Ilya:  if we did what I said
      Aleksei:  What did you say
      Taranis:  let's verify the object bit
         Ilya:           Ilya:  we should have made that K:R check before we went here
         Ilya:        Zombies:  Taranis! 
         Ilya:           Ilya:  and then decided to go back to Oleg's before coming here
           DM:  It does not affect objects. 
      Aleksei:  Oh
         Ilya:  hindsight is 20/20 of course
      Aleksei:  Well what would that have affected?
      Aleksei:  Getting B weapons?
      Taranis:  nope, no object
         Ilya:  it would have gotten us bludgeoning weapons
         Ilya:  or in my case
         Ilya:  than ranseur
         Ilya:  that the swamp thing has
      Taranis:  in that case, I will be withdrawing
         Ilya:  that*
           DM:  ok
           DM:  Aleksei? 
      Taranis:  someone's going to have to help get Trip... Ilya hopefully can clear out safely
 *** Aleksei moves over to Trip and heals
      Aleksei:  /roll 1d8+2
 *** DM rolls dice for Aleksei: 1d8 < 2 = 2 > + 2 = 4
      Aleksei:  darn.
           DM:  Well, she's stable. 
           DM:  Y'all are withdrawing?
         Ilya:  well
         Ilya:  I'd rather not!
         Ilya:  but I guess we have no choice
         Ilya:  maybe I should get a shield.
         Ilya:  then I'd be more or less unhittable.
           DM:  Alright… Elias is next up. 
           DM:  /roll 1d10
 *** DM rolls dice for DM: 1d10 < 10 = 10 > = 10 
         Trip:  Thank you for the stabilizing
           DM:  hmm
      Taranis:  on the plus side... it should be quite easy to take the rest down when rested up
         Ilya:  assuming that the hill isn't somehow generating them
         Trip:  (assuming more don't spring up... like daisies)
        Elias:  we're withdrawing?
           DM:  Seems like 
         Ilya:  the very concept makes me quiver with rage.
        Elias:  I shoot at 3 and move back 30 ft
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 6 = 18
       Akiros:  hit 
        Elias:  /roll 1d8
 *** DM rolls dice for Elias: 1d8 < 8 = 8 > = 8
           DM:  err. jot 
         Trip:  Woot Elias
           DM:  hit!
           DM:  and splat 
         Ilya:  see they are almost dead
         Ilya:  le'ts kill them
         Ilya:  how are the others looking
           DM:  14 and 15 are unhurt
         Trip:  I have a healing potion I can use if I get up.
           DM:  13 is nearly dead 
         Ilya:  k
         Ilya:  12?
           DM:  12 is slightly injured, and 4 is moderately wounded.
         Ilya:  and 4?
         Ilya:  ok
         Ilya:  Aleksei can remove the potion from trip's pocket
         Ilya:  and feed it to her
         Ilya:  can you take a swift action in place of a move action?
         Ilya:  no I think not
           DM:  no 
         Ilya:  I will fight defensively
           DM:  k
         Ilya:  Elias can keep taking potshots
         Ilya:  Taranis could finish off nearly dead ones with ray of frost?
      Taranis:  In theory
           DM:  So Ilya is fighting defensively. 
         Ilya:  is it my turn?
           DM:  Yes
         Ilya:  ok here's the plan
           DM:  err, sorry 
           DM:  my mistake
         Ilya:  k
 *** Ilya waits
           DM:  err, actually, it is Ilya's turn 
           DM:  I skipped him.
         Ilya:  :p
         Ilya:  k here's the plan
         Ilya:  I declare my Smite Evil on 14
         Ilya:  I 5ft step like so
         Ilya:  I fight defensively and swing at 12
           DM:  k 
         Ilya:  /try 5-4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Ilya :
 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 5 - 4 = 7
         Ilya:  aw
           DM:  no joy 
         Ilya:  that wouldn't have been a hit
         Ilya:  anyway
           DM:  now they go
      Zombies:  grr, arg 
           DM:  @Ilya
           DM:  /try 4 4 4 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
 *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 4 = 21
 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 4 = 10
 *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 4 = 15
 *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 4 = 6
      Zombies:  @Aleksei 
      Zombies:  /try 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 4 = 12 
         Ilya:  which one is which
           DM:  numerical order… so….
           DM:  4,12,13,14 respectively 
         Ilya:  bah
         Ilya:  one hit
           DM:  /roll 1d6+4
 *** DM rolls dice for DM: 1d6 < 2 = 2 > + 4 = 6 
           DM:  aaand… Taranis!
           DM:  #13 is not far from dead 
      Taranis:  sec
           DM:  actually, hell, let's speed this up.
      Taranis:  yeah I can ray of frost it
           DM:  Taranis, Aleksei, Ilya, and Elias, what are you doing.  Trip too, assuming Aleksei is getting you up. 
      Taranis:  /try -3;touch
 *** DM rolls attempts for Taranis :
 *** DM (touch)  1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 0 - 3 = 11
      Taranis:  /roll 1d3+1
 *** DM rolls dice for Taranis: 1d3 < 3 = 3 > + 1 = 4 
           DM:  a hit
           DM:  a splat 
         Ilya:  I am going to LoH myself and swing at 14
         Ilya:  still fighting defensively
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 6 = 10
           DM:  a miss 
         Ilya:  /roll 1d6
 *** DM rolls dice for Ilya: 1d6 < 4 = 4 > = 4
      Aleksei:  I am extracting a potion from Trip's pack
      Aleksei:  And feeding it to her
           DM:  k 
      Aleksei:  /roll 2d8+3
 *** DM rolls dice for Aleksei: 2d8 < 2 1 = 3 > + 3 = 6
      Aleksei:  Agh
         Ilya:  /try 7-4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Ilya :
 *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 7 - 4 = 7 
         Ilya:  argh
           DM:  nope
      Aleksei:  But I think that does get her conscious
         Trip:  The last turn only stabilized, right?
         Ilya:  that would have hit
      Aleksei:  Yes
           DM:  The last turn got you… what was it, 6 hp? 
      Aleksei:  You were at -7, I healed you for 4
         Ilya:  hopefully this full defense gets me something
      Aleksei:  Now you get 6 more
         Trip:  Okay. Yes. Concious now.
           DM:  ok, Trip can also act.
         Trip:  I missed the +4 bit.
         Trip:  Both a move and action?
           DM:  yep 
           DM:  you are however, prone.  It's a move action to get up.
         Trip:  Aleksei? Can I go whack 14, carefully?
      Aleksei:  I wouldn't
      Aleksei:  I am 100% out of heals
         Trip:  Ah. Guess I withdraw then!
      Aleksei:  Except like some bandages.
      Aleksei:  Maybe throw something at them?
      Aleksei:  Throw your axes
      Aleksei:  Or do you have any ranged stuff
         Trip:  That's the plan. 
      Aleksei:  mmk
         Ilya:  don't go for 14
         Ilya:  12 or 4
         Trip:  I'll move here and throw next round
         Trip:  Do I need to tumble for zombie 14?
         Trip:  er, 15
           DM:  If you withdraw (== 2 move actions), you don't need to. 
         Trip:  Well, I needed one just to stand up.
           DM:  ah, hmm… I believe you do then.
         Trip:  /try 8
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 8 = 22 
           DM:  success
         Trip:  Safe for now. Done
           DM:  k 
           DM:  That leaves...
      Zombies:  rar 
      Zombies:  /try 4;Aleksei
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM (Aleksei)  1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 4 = 10 
      Zombies:  and @Ilya
      Zombies:  /try 4;4 4;12 4;14 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM (4)  1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 4 = 15
 *** DM (12)  1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 4 = 23
 *** DM (14)  1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 4 = 18
         Ilya:  one hit
         Ilya:  roll low
      Zombies:  /roll 1d6+4 
 *** DM rolls dice for Zombies: 1d6 < 3 = 3 > + 4 = 7
         Ilya:  what did I say
         Ilya:  all right
         Ilya:  I'm at -2
           DM:  The zombies would listen, but they have no ears. 
         Ilya:  ugh
         Ilya:  so mad
         Trip:  oh shoot
           DM:  Well, let's see… everyone acts except Ilya
         Trip:  should have left me down but stabilized.
         Ilya:  well just run away
           DM:  Both Taranis and Aleksei act before Ilya if you want to try something that gets him up. 
      Aleksei:  Yes I'll do it
      Taranis:  I have nothing that can get him up
      Taranis:  I can shoot a zombie, that is the extent of what I can do that's even remotely useful
           DM:  k
         Ilya:  draw them off
           DM:  4 is moderately injured, 12 is slightly hurt. 
      Taranis:  4 then
      Taranis:  /try 1
 *** DM rolls attempts for Taranis :
 *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 1 = 21
      Taranis:  /try 1;conf
 *** DM rolls attempts for Taranis :
 *** DM (conf)  1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 1 = 14 
           DM:  success
      Taranis:  /roll 2d3+2
 *** DM rolls dice for Taranis: 2d3 < 1 1 = 2 > + 2 = 4 
           DM:  not quite enough to splat it.
      Taranis:  and I move back some
      Taranis:  that was a sad crit
           DM:  very 
           DM:  Aleksei!
           DM:  And Trip and Elias as well to speed things up. 
      Aleksei:  Hmm
           DM:  unless your actions depend on Ilya acting.
      Aleksei:  I can't do anything to help Ilya this round, only next round, so I will
      Aleksei:  Withdraw from here to here
           DM:  That still provokes one attack, I believe. 
           DM:  /try 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
 *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 4 = 14 
      Aleksei:  Provoking an AoO from #14
      Aleksei:  fail
           DM:  ok
        Elias:  I move back up and potshot at 4
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 6 = 22 
           DM:  hit
        Elias:  /roll 1d8
 *** DM rolls dice for Elias: 1d8 < 1 = 1 > = 1 
           DM:  splat
        Elias:  sigh
        Elias:  hah
         Ilya:  god so close
           DM:  Trip? 
         Trip:  throw one throwing axe
           DM:  no one threatening on the other side of that wall of zombies.
         Trip:  /try 5
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 5 = 24 
           DM:  a hit.
         Trip:  /roll 1d6
 *** DM rolls dice for Trip: 1d6 < 5 = 5 > = 5 
           DM:  sadly, the axe buries itself in the flesh of the zombie, but does not otherwise inconvenience it.
         Ilya:  yeah that wasn't actually a good idea without sneak attack
         Trip:  oh. Could I have been sneaky?
         Ilya:  i dont see how
           DM:  not this round, no 
         Trip:  crud. Well I'm done.
           DM:  You've still got a move action.
         Ilya:  you'd have to like
         Ilya:  find concealment
         Ilya:  or something
           DM:  there are those big rocks there. 
         Ilya:  yeah
         Ilya:  that might help
         Trip:  Yeah, but I'd have to take a bit of penalty. Hrm.
           DM:  alrighty… let's see.
         Trip:  stupid undead not getting hurt properly
      Zombies:  raaaar 
         Ilya:  if i had a proper weapon selection this would have been over rounds ago.
      Zombies:  @Aleksei
      Zombies:  /try 4 4 4 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Zombies :
 *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 4 = 12
 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 4 = 20
 *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 4 = 19
         Trip:  Not. cool.
 *** Aleksei ow
           DM:  how many? 
      Aleksei:  1
      Zombies:  /roll 1d6+4
 *** DM rolls dice for Zombies: 1d6 < 5 = 5 > + 4 = 9 
 *** Aleksei falls down
 *** Aleksei -5
           DM:  mmm, indeed
           DM:  Well, what's everyone else doing? 
         Ilya:  just get out
      Taranis:  Well, the only thing I can do is shoot them and keep my distance; I don't think I even can drag someone out
        Elias:  I was gonna go up and down a potion down someone's throaat
         Ilya:  that works
         Ilya:  shoot/retreat
        Elias:  but I don't know if I can do that in one round
         Ilya:  no like, draw them off first
         Ilya:  trip can get us out of the area maybe
      Aleksei:  Trip can feed Ilya his potion
         Ilya:  nope
      Aleksei:  And then they can rescue me
        Elias:  well we can try.....they haven't really been following us with melee left alive
         Ilya:  already used it
      Aleksei:  No?
      Aleksei:  Oh.
      Taranis:  Only potion we've got left is Elias'
      Aleksei:  Well then why did I go over there? When'd you use it
      Aleksei:  Oh I remember now
      Taranis:  I will Ray of Frost some more.  #15 I guess
      Aleksei:  I was going to Heal (skill) you
      Taranis:  /try 1
 *** DM rolls attempts for Taranis :
 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 1 = 7
           DM:  a miss 
      Taranis:  fail
           DM:  Elias, Trip?
         Ilya:  i used it many rounds ago
         Trip:  I have no healing capacity.
        Elias:  it will take me two rounds to potion heal someone
         Trip:  I can move around to the rock and try throwing again, but that's it.
           DM:  ok, it'll take you a round to hide. 
           DM:  roll a hide check if you're doing so.
        Elias:  I guess I'll pot shot 15 and try and draw it off?
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 6 = 22 
           DM:  hit
        Elias:  /roll 1d8
 *** DM rolls dice for Elias: 1d8 < 1 = 1 > = 1 
        Elias:  sigh
           DM:  Assuming trip is hiding behind a rock...
      Zombies:  raaaaar 
         Trip:  /try 0;nohidingpointsIguess
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM (nohidingpointsIguess)  1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 0 = 4
      Zombies:  move, but are unable to reach anyone else. 
           DM:  that'd be dex
           DM:  if you don't have ranks. 
         Trip:  well then it's an 8
           DM:  Indeed
         Ilya:  no stealth?
         Ilya:  really?
         Ilya:  :|
           DM:  well, they're moving off towards Taranis and Elias 
         Trip:  Seems like a moot point anyway.
      Aleksei:  If you heal me
      Aleksei:  I can...
      Taranis:  stabilize Ilya
      Aleksei:  Ilya's down by how many points?
         Ilya:  -2
      Taranis:  are you out of LoH?
         Ilya:  i suppose I should roll a con check someday
         Ilya:  no
           DM:  Ah, yes, y'all should roll up some con
         Trip:  Do you have a healing item that I can use on you?
      Taranis:  so if we bring you up you can stabilize or heal someone
         Ilya:  /try 2
 *** DM rolls attempts for Ilya :
 *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 2 = 9 
         Ilya:  so -3 i guess
      Aleksei:  So yeah heal Ilya if you can
      Aleksei:  I should also roll a Con check
      Aleksei:  /try 1;con
 *** DM rolls attempts for Aleksei :
 *** DM (con)  1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 1 = 8
      Aleksei:  wow
           DM:  ok 
           DM:  zombies moved, but didn't attack.
      Taranis:  well
           DM:  Trip, Elias, Taranis, name your poison. 
      Taranis:  Ray at 15 and move 30 ft away
           DM:  And Ilya/Aleksei, roll up some more con
      Taranis:  /try 1
 *** DM rolls attempts for Taranis :
 *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 3 
           DM:  nope
         Ilya:  /try 2
 *** DM rolls attempts for Ilya :
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 2 = 14 
      Aleksei:  /try 1
 *** DM rolls attempts for Aleksei :
 *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 1 = 16
        Elias:  /try 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 6 = 11 
        Elias:  that's at 15
           DM:  success, success, and miss
           DM:  Trip? 
           DM:  (Y'all have any CLW pots left over?)
         Trip:  I attempt to hide again.
      Taranis:  Nope, we only had 3 and they were used against the Stag Lord
        Elias:  I have one potion but as stated it was preferred we draw them off
         Trip:  /try 4
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 4 = 21 
         Ilya:  well
         Ilya:  if you didn't
         Ilya:  then you'd be attacked
         Ilya:  that's why I said you shuld do that.
           DM:  k.
        Elias:  I know
        Elias:  it's not a great situation
         Trip:  Well, I'm hiding. Is that it for me?
        Elias:  I thought everyone else got them
        Elias:  usually doesn't make sense to give it to the ranged
        Elias:  who are out of the way but anywho
           DM:  You were already hidden, you can do something if you want. 
           DM:  Although I would advise moving away if you do.
         Trip:  /try 1;axe@12
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM (axe@12)  1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 1 = 10 
         Trip:  gosh darn
           DM:  hmm… is that adding the bonus for being concealed?  
           DM:  (Is that +2?) 
         Trip:  er, yes
         Trip:  -4 for the distance
         Trip:  so 12 I guess
         Ilya:  ehhh
         Ilya:  do we have anything injured enough that this will help?
         Ilya:  if not
         Ilya:  just get Aleksei and I out of the area
         Ilya:  they're not on you.
         Trip:  sorry. It's a sad day when I'm the strongest one around.
         Ilya:  well elias is also like 10 str
         Ilya:  but he's running around
           DM:  Ok… if that's what you do… the zombies continue to pursue Taranis and Elias around the keep for a bit.
 *** Trip drag drag drag
           DM:  dragging is what, 1/2 speed? 
           DM:  ah, capped at 5 ft/rnd.
         Trip:  This is going to take a while.
           DM:  Ok, well, let's say you manage to enlist Bolgan's aid in this. 
           DM:  Given the zombie's limitations, Elias and Taranis are not in any threat as long as they keep moving.
      Taranis:  Well if they keep chasing us and we don't run into anything else
      Taranis:  we can easily eliminate them given time
         Trip:  The run-and-potshot-strategy
           DM:  well, eventually you'll make it around to the other side of the keep and they'll break off. 
           DM:  let's have say… 10 attack rolls each.
      Taranis:  hmm
      Taranis:  /try 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 *** DM rolls attempts for Taranis :
 *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 3
 *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 1 = 20
 *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 1 = 20
 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 1 = 17
 *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 1 = 16
 *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 1 = 11
 *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 1 = 9
 *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 3
 *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 1 = 10
 *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 1 = 10 
           DM:  10 hits
      Taranis:  7 hits for me then
           DM:  10 hits touch, rather 
        Elias:  /try 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 6 = 15
 *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 6 = 11
 *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 6 = 25
 *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 6 = 13
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 6 = 18
 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 6 = 12
 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 6 = 7
 *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 6 = 23
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 6 = 18
 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 6 = 22
           DM:  roll em 
           DM:  12 hits normal ac
      Taranis:  /roll 7d3+7
 *** DM rolls dice for Taranis: 7d3 < 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 = 15 > + 7 = 22 
           DM:  so looks like 8 hits
        Elias:  /roll 8d8
 *** DM rolls dice for Elias: 8d8 < 3 1 6 7 2 5 6 1 = 31 > = 31 
         Ilya:  and you guys dont have to content with dr
         Ilya:  contend*
         Ilya:  so that looks like some kills
           DM:  Indeed.
           DM:  that is in fact, enough to eliminate the remaining 3 
           DM:  No further zombies arise.
        Elias:  thank gods
           DM:  Aaand… that's that. 
         Ilya:  woo
         Ilya:  \o/
      Taranis:  and everyone is stable, which just means we're slowed up
           DM:  Ok.
           DM:  Well, assuming you continue to carry out the plans as planned... 
         Trip:  Not our proudest day, but we'll take it.
      Aleksei:  We're heroes!
 *** Aleksei is still unconscious though
        Elias:  have a potion
      Taranis:  We're not very efficient heroes, it seems
 *** Ilya also unconscious
           DM:  the sleds slow you down somewhat.
        Elias:  /roll 2d8+3
 *** DM rolls dice for Elias: 2d8 < 7 3 = 10 > + 3 = 13 
           DM:  Are you going to rest at the keep until Ilya/Aleksei recover?
        Elias:  have that much healing
         Ilya:  eh save the potion
         Ilya:  we spend a day resting
         Trip:  damn straight
           DM:  Ok 
        Elias:  nevermind then
           DM:  Anyone want to make a Heal check to help them out?
        Elias:  /try 1
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 1 = 21 
        Elias:  heal check
 *** Aleksei heals twice as much I guess?
      Aleksei:  What's the usual
      Aleksei:  Level+Con?
           DM:  success, both Aleksei and Ilya recover 4 hp over the next few hours.
      Aleksei:  Or just level
      Taranis:  I think just level
      Aleksei:  k
           DM:  just level 
 *** Aleksei still unconscious
         Ilya:  well
         Ilya:  i'm conscious
      Taranis:  but if Ilya wakes up, he will be able to Lay on Hands
         Ilya:  in any case we spend the day
         Ilya:  and then the next day aleksei can use his spells
         Ilya:  and we'll be good
           DM:  Ok.
         Ilya:  say we spend 2 days
           DM:  2 days. 
      Aleksei:  yay.
           DM:  One more Heal check.
        Elias:  /try 1
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 1 = 13 
           DM:  Anyone else?
         Ilya:  aleksei can make this one
      Aleksei:  /try 7;Heal
 *** DM rolls attempts for Aleksei :
 *** DM (Heal)  1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 7 = 22 
           DM:  Ok
           DM:  a bunch more HP and people are up. 
         Ilya:  i mean I was up after the first heal check
           DM:  So, movement-wise, the sleds will slow you down to 20 ft.
         Ilya:  we just spend a day to get our resources back up to full.
         Ilya:  so we should be gtg
           DM:  Ok. 
           DM:  With the sleds slowing your horses down, it takes you about a day or so to get back up to the river crossing.
      Taranis:  I presume there's food in the keep we can consume rather than depleting our stocks?
           DM:  Most of it's fresh game, but let's say you can get 25 person/days worth of food out of it. 
           DM:  The crossing itself is on the other side of the Thorn river, but you can see it in the distance.
      Taranis:  and there are now 7 people eating
      Taranis:  err... 8 with auchs around too
      Taranis:  so 3 days worth
           DM:  Survival can also be used to bump that up. 
      Taranis:  though I suppose Elias could do a little hunting while we rest up... and given how slowed we are by the sleds, hunting will keep us in food as we travel anyway
        Elias:  sure
           DM:  Let's say that since you're dragging the sleds behind, hunting parties can go out and about without slowing everyone else  down.
        Elias:  /try 9
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 9 = 29 
      Aleksei:  // We get like 50 thousand XP for this
      Aleksei:  // right
      Aleksei:  // Ok guys I'm out
           DM:  Let's see… 8 people is DC 26
           DM:  k, 'later 

<<< Aleksei has left >>> <<< 06:01:28 PM >>>

           DM:  or rather, a check result of 26 keeps 8 people fed.
        Elias:  I rolled a 29
        Elias:  for survival
        Elias:  if that matters
           DM:  Yep.  That keeps everyone fed for a day. 
      Taranis:  and even a lesser result will substantially reduce how much food we use up
           DM:  Which is enough time for you to get back to the river crossing, and...
           DM:  http://kingmaker.xthemage.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6#p29 happens 
         Ilya:  yay
           DM:  So, just so I can plan this properly, how do you plan to return to Oleg's?
         Trip:  without running into a bunch of undead.
      Taranis:  given how much we're dragging...
           DM:  Any way you do this, you need to cross the Thorn river, which you can do at the rickety bridge or at the ford further upriver. 
      Taranis:  directly on paths we already know
      Taranis:  with sleds, ford.
           DM:  From there, you can take the path through the forest you already know, or you can try to circle around the forest.
      Taranis:  I'd stick to known terrain myself
         Ilya:  yeah
           DM:  Ok… that'll be... 
           DM:  another two days to get up to the Ford.
           DM:  four more days through the forest. 
           DM:  aaand… another day and a half back to Oleg's.
           DM:  so let's have… 7 more survival checks, and we'll call it a night. 
      Taranis:  7x8=56 total foods needed
         Trip:  /try 0;nosurvivalskills
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM (nosurvivalskills)  1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 0 = 12
        Elias:  /try 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
 *** DM rolls attempts for Elias :
 *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 9 = 20
 *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 9 = 27
 *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 9 = 27
 *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 9 = 24
 *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 9 = 13
 *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 9 = 27
 *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 9 = 20 
        Elias:  that's survival
      Taranis:  3 days fully fed...
         Trip:  er /try 0 0 0 0 0 0
         Trip:  /try 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 *** DM rolls attempts for Trip :
 *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 0 = 7
 *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 0 = 5
 *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 0 = 11
 *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 0 = 13
 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 0 = 12
 *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 0 = 17
      Taranis:  isn't it 24 to feed self+7?
      Taranis:  not 26?
           DM:  Hmm… you're right 
      Taranis:  so 4 full successes
           DM:  /roll 2+6+2
 *** DM rolls dice for DM: 2 + 6 + 2 = 10 
      Taranis:  (does it get us bonus food or no?)
           DM:  No bonus food, no.
      Taranis:  ok
      Taranis:  so we need to expend 10 rations
           DM:  with Trip's assistance, Elias is able to feed the party for all except the second to last day in the forest. 
      Taranis:  we had 3 on wiki plus the one remaining food
      Taranis:  err 2 + 1
           DM:  mark off a total of 4 rations for that other day.
      Taranis:  ok
      Taranis:  no food on party loot, one less on me, done
      Taranis:  and we're all finished?
           DM:  We'll handle the details of that trip in two weeks. 
           DM:  'night all.
           DM:  (unless there are any questions/comments) 
         Ilya:  all good
        Elias:  later all
